Sympathetic Engineering, 7 Sympathies of Modern Software Engineers

Sympathetic Engineering: engineering with the awareness and care that turns good software into great software! 7 key sympathies every developer should have in their toolkit.

Locked behind a paywall? This article was originally self-published in “The Life of Brian” the digital garden and is freely accessible there.

Prefer Podcasts? You can also listen to this article discussed in AI podcast form:

When most people hear the word “sympathy,” they probably picture someone comforting a friend or sending a “get well soon” card. Not exactly what comes to mind when you think of your typical software engineer, right? Engineers are often unfairly painted as the ones who can barely keep up with the emotional demands of their own code — let alone someone else’s.

But here’s the thing: sympathy is exactly what makes an engineer great. Not the kind where you offer a warm hug after a bug in takes down your…



Brian Corbin XYZ - TheCodeInfluencer
Brian Corbin XYZ - TheCodeInfluencer

Written by Brian Corbin XYZ - TheCodeInfluencer

“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.”

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